Welcome to Lightning Bottle

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At Lightning Bottle, we harness the energy of creativity and the power of ideas to provide Inspiration for Business, helping our clients solve problems and be more successful—wherever they want to be more successful. We call it Commercial Creativity, and we use to it catch lightning a bottle.

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Inspiration for Business

Commercial Creativity

Lightning in a Bottling Machine

Looking for the key to a marketing problem? A communications conundrum? Viable options? At Lightning Bottle, we specialize in solutions driven by practical experience in engaging design, compelling video, and much more.

Whether you’re looking for serious results, some creative sparks, or merely a gust of wind to stir things up, think inside the bottle.

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Lightning in a Bottling Machine

Lightning, caught.

Our Brand Experience

Lightning Bottle is a creative firm with worlds of experience in digital & commercial design, marketing communications, film & video production, and more. Our folks have contributed to the brand equity of clients across the Southeastern U.S. and beyond—with often dramatic results.

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The Genies in the Bottle

The Lightning Bottle Team

Lightning Bottle’s work is driven by a unique mix of talented writers, artists, planners, strategists & disruptors ready to bring the ‘ning to your organization. We know how to capture lightning in a bottle, because our agency is lightning in a bottle—personified. Try us and see.

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Let there be lightning.

Taxonomy of a Metaphor

Like genies in bottles (women in pink, wisecracking blue spirits…) lightning comes in many varieties, all with their own unique properties akin to wish fulfillment.

Lightning Bolt:
lights it up and demands attention; makes a powerful impact

Heat Lightning:

generates excitement or buzz; like approaching thunder

Chain Lightning:

linked by common energy; sustained by reach & frequency for maximum impact

White Lightning:

outta-the-bottle ideas; quite possibly insane, potentially white hot
Magic Lightning:
supercharged with empathy and emotion; conducted through heartstrings

Greased Lightning:

burns up the quarter mile; coasts through the heat lap trial


the most powerful lightning of all occurs in brainstorms; our specialty

We do Blue Skies and Silver Linings too.

How can we help you? Reach out to us today.
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